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Deploying Bwb on the cloud
On The Cloud
On the cloud, BwB can also be run on any cloud instance. Please refer to the Linux and Windows instructions to install Docker on the cloud instance.
Amazon AWS
1. Login to your console and create a new EC2 Linux instance.
2. Select the configuration and click on "Configure Instance Details".
3. Continue configuring your instance. You will click on "Next:Add Storage" then "Next Add Tags" and then "Next Configure Security Group"
4. When you reach the "Step 6: Configure Security Group" page click on the "Add Rule" button on the lower left of the screen
5. We will the new rule that starts with "Custom TCP" that should appear
6. Change the Port Range (third box) from 0 to 6080
7. Click on the drop down menu that says "Custom" (under "Source" right next to the "Port Range") and choose "My IP" if you want to restrict access to Bwb to the computer that you are on or "Anywhere" if you wish to access Bwb from any computer
8. Now click on "Review and Launch"
9. Copy the public url of the instance.
10. SSH into the instance by typing the following command into the terminal:
(Type the commands in the directory where the ssh key of the AWS instance was downloaded)
# Update demo.pem with your ssh key name
chmod 400 demo.pem
ssh -i demo.pem ubuntu@public-dns-of-aws-instance
12. Then you can start Bwb
sudo docker run --rm -p 6080:6080 \
-v ${PWD}/:/data \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
--privileged --group-add root \